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A godly-loving church that is committed to reach, raise, and train people of God
through Biblical training, soul winning, and discipleship under
the local New Testament Church with defined ministries.
· To win people to Christ, get them baptized, and disciple them in our local church. (Matthew 28:19-20)
· To teach the members of the church in Basic Bible Principles through Personal Follow-up and Sunday School.
· To encourage them to involve heartily in specific ministries of the church which they have chosen.
· To assist them in getting involve with their respective clubs or groups and make them comfortable in accepting the task.
· To encourage them to get involve in the HELP (Heritage’s Evangelism of Laymen and Preachers) program through mission giving and or personal, being a member of the church.
· To train the aspiring servants of the Lord, such as pastors, church workers through Baptist Theological College.
· To raise children and teen-agers of the church in Biblical philosophy Through Baptist Heritage Academy.
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